a few weeks, we were going at each other. I called it the "A
Team" and the "B Team" syndrome. Not that one was more
important than the other. It wasn't, but we were split right
down the middle and not along "3 Dog" lines, either. We
started congregating in pairs of 3 after the gigs, saying
stuff like "Man, this has got to stop. If only we could do
.... blah, blah, etc..." You know, plain old bickering crap.
The "coke" permeation was a major factor in our inability to
get along. Sometimes, I think about groups that would give
their ass to have just one shot with a major record label,
and how cavalier we were to just let it blow up. The group
disbanded during our very first tour. Lots of talent, but
short on maturity. That goes for all of us, in my opinion.
Let's be philosophical and say that the personal chemistry
just wasn't there. Am I sorry that I ever got involved with
that group? Do I think it was a mistake? "Hell no," on both
accounts. It was my pleasure to work with such talented
people. It's like a love relationship. Just because it's
over, doesn't necessarily mean it was a mistake. When I
listen to our album today, I still get chills on "I Just
Love the Feelin'" and the loping funk groove of "Fool Hard
E." "What Ever Happened to America" was a great song of the
times that many Vietnam vets returning home could relate to.
Truth is: I love the entire album and still have warm
feelings for all the members AND the music we made together.
I always will.
so, S.S. Fools was no more.
two b/w publicity pictures of our crazed S.S. Fools
crew. A great bunch of guys. Of course, I was the
captain and they were mere "PUKES." Yeah, right!
Not even close. We enjoyed a very deep pool of
talent in this band.
few years later, Bobby Kimball was asked to join "TOTO,"
which he did. They went on to have even more hit records,
with Bobby singing lead on most of them, including their
Grammy winning song, "Africa." I'm very proud of Bobby and
his success. He's a great talent and we are still friends
today. Bobby has his own web site, if you want to take a
look. Just click on the following link.
return link provided)
Loving Memory of Joe Schermie
I was still writing the last few chapters of this
book, I received a phone call informing me that my
dear friend and music compatriot, Joe Schermie
passed away from a massive heart attack. All of us
are deeply saddened by his passing. He was just 56
years old, and one of the purest music men I ever
had the pleasure of knowing. He loved music dearly.
There was never a day that Joe didn't pick up a
guitar and play just for the pure fun of
- 2002
was born on Abraham Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12th,
1946 in Menasha, Wisconsin. A uniquely gifted
musician that changed my life forever. I loved him
like a brother.
in 1970 on stage with Three Dog Night. My
friend and music mentor. With all my love
and admiration. --M--
lost keyboardist Wayne DeVillier a few years ago,
Joe's death leaves 4 of the original 6 members that
were on the album still alive. I'm thankful to be
one of them, and hope that Bobby, Floyd and Stan's
times are way into this new century.