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   To raise one's self up, by bringing to light other's shortcomings: Traditional, in a sense, but NOT good.
Accent de Positive, Mon!

   As human beings, we can all learn from the manner of a good school teacher. One that not only teaches "facts", but one who searches out the strengths of the pupils and acknowledges them. Often times, giving validity to their efforts and individual talents that the students themselves hadn't realized. It not only increases their self-esteem, but actually helps the person giving the praise as well. "Creating the environment for others that you would like for yourself" furthers the individual and mankind as a whole. You'd be surprised what you can do when others are rooting for you. Don't get caught up in the "occasional negative desires" to see you fail. It bears little fruit. Nor should you use this as a source of motivation. It is ultimately futile. Remember: We can all be negative at certain times. Just stay focused and enjoy your successes and the success of your friends, too. Tell them about it. NOW. Don't wait till they're gone. Validate all those that you care about and even a few that you don't. Give them what you'd like. Recognition is not necessarily something to be denied or ashamed of. A wonderful thing to bring a smile to another persons face, just by candidly telling them what they did or are doing is good. Share the good. Tell them. Do it Now. You may not get another chance.

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